It’s All About Class
America Class System as a Truncated Cone
Here’s my hypothesis. American was created by a wealthy social class and over our 250 year history an organic class system developed. Over the next few months, I will be laying out evidence to support my hypothesis. Push back is expected and encouraged. My experiences have colored my perception and I fully recognize the limits of my own understanding.
Because we see understand the world more clearly though images, I propose a model of class structures as a truncated cone. Because of the democratic republic nature of our country, there is no one ruler to sit at the top of the pyramid. What if our world more closely resembles Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings? The very top of our pyramid is an ever changing circle of fighting to the imaginary peak. These families and corporations continue to accumulate wealth and power in an effort to achieve their own goals and aspirations. Mitch McConnell is not evil any more than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are each working to fulfill a purpose. Mitch McConnell believes that lowering taxes for corporations will improve life for the poor. Everything he does is in pursuit of that narrative. AOC’s narrative is that corporations have been sucking the life out of our communities and we need to craft a plan that will help to earth restore balance and eliminate decades of oppression of poor communities, many of which are home to large groups of African Americans and Latin-X populations. Just as with Mitch, AOC will do everything in her power to achieve her goals.
Back to my main point, the people at the top of the ring use the lower rungs to maintain their hold on wealth and power and each ring follows suit until you reach the bottom half of the Truncated Cone. The bottom half is so busy fighting each other they don’t notice that the animosity has been created by the people higher up. Anytime the bottom half start paying attention, powerful forces move in to stop the progress. As a side feature, I will also include examples of times when movements were nearly successful but ultimately thwarted.
An important note: This is not the illuminati. This is not a conspiracy. This is simply a hypothesis that needs to examining. I will allow the evidence to convey a story whether or not it confirms or nullifies my hypothesis. By posting this in a public forum which allows commentary, I hope to get a broader understanding of American society.
I will be updating a Prezi to allow greater visualization. It can be found here.