Nuclear Winter
What is a nuclear winter and why is the top Republican threatening it?
According to Live Science, nuclear winter is the theory of what will happen if humans launch a bunch of nuclear bombs at each other. The resulting climate change would prevent crops from growing, freeze lakes and rivers used for irrigation and fishing, and reduce the hospitable zone for human life.
If I understand Mitch McConnell, he believes that removing the filibuster is akin to launching nuclear attacks and his only course of action is to pretend that he will save the Union if he works to destroy the democratic process. His aides told Axios “he would take strategic advantage of other Senate rules to frustrate Democrats and stall progress in the Senate”. He’s also repeatedly threatened to use “Scorched Earth” tactics to scare Democrats away from supporting removing the filibuster.
It would appear that his only solution for progress is to hurt as many Americans as possible. That’s not what governing is. That's not what he was elected for.