Statement to MA DESE
Regarding the request by the DESE Commissioner to assume control of more urban schools
My name is Teresa English. I am a teacher at Lawrence High School and have children in the Billerica Public Schools. During the last year, the Superintendents of Lawrence and Billerica Public Schools have taken different approaches. Billerica has more students who attend in person by utilizing hybrid and remote options. Lawrence has only brought back a small group of students and nearly every student is remote only. My own children are struggling with remote schooling. I am living the nightmare of reduced income, negative impacts on my career, and the loss of my identity as anything other than a mom. In spite of my personal situation, I support both models because they are tailored to their community.
Risk factors associated with the pandemic are different and affect each district, each school, and each building differently. For over a year, principals and Superintendents have been working together to meet the needs of every single student, teacher, and staff member. Commissioner Riley seeks to undo the plans, progress, and collaboration that has been created through so much trial and error. Everyone agrees that the physical, mental, social, and emotional needs of our students are important. Everyone agrees that getting students safely back into the buildings is important. The insinuation that educators are not doing everything possible is insulting and flat-out wrong. Assuming that every student is not learning or excelling right now is also wrong. So many people are working to ensure the needs of their students are being met, regardless of circumstances. Is it easier if things returned to the way they were last March, no question. That’s not possible for everyone yet. Requiring urban schools to go through another yet another layer of bureaucracy is not helpful to anyone.
Please vote against the proposal submitted by Commissioner Riley. Allow our elected and appointed leaders to continue doing their job. More state control is not the solution but would definitely cause additional problems. If a school or building is struggling to open fully, the state should be providing the school with resources rather than assuming control. Resources like funding for improvement to the ventilation systems, testing at each school, and resources as the districts require. As a parent, teacher, and taxpayer, I’m am asking you to please vote no. Thank you.